The first few weeks after coming back down from AK were incredible. There have been few times in my life I can recall that I have been so happy. Things were blooming with Kim at an incredible rate and I couldn't have been more optimistic toward whatever the future held. The Lord really did a number on me in that little yurt. The time spent in AK seeing his creation and seeking him with my full heart really healed some parts in my heart that I so desperately needed. In Matthew 18:2-4 Christ tells us that we need to become like a child and have the faith of one in order to enter the kingdom of heaven. I believe I experienced this towards the end on my AK experience and on into the first few weeks of being back in the lower 48. I felt inspired and encouraged to go seek all the dreams that I had in my heart. I had even convince myself to give up fire and seek the NOLS position that had I wanted ever since completing my course in 04. But then there came a change in my heart about a month and a half after coming back, the high wore off and I began to revert to my old self. This isn't a bad version of myself just not the thriving self that I was prior. I became nervous and scared about taking the leap of faith toward a new career, so I didn't. I decided to not even apply, sealing my fate of holding out at least one more year. I rationalized my decision saying I need to get myself out of debt first and other lame excuses, not trusting in the Lord to help me with my cares and concerns. I tried to iron out all the future details and since I couldn't, I decided that I must know my life better and chose to do what is comfortable.
For anyone who is reading this, take a lesson from this example. When you feel it in your heart that the Lord is telling you to do something, go make it happen. Don't worry about the details. We only have a level view of our lives, the Lord has the birds eye perspective that looks into the future. He clears a path for us and all he ask us to do is to trust Him. A very simple request, right?
Is is incredible how the Lord communicates to us in a language we understand. While back in Tulsa for the holidays I had the privilege of having lunch with my great uncle Tom. He is an old sage, overflowing with wisdom to share to those willing to listen. We talked about many things, but one thing in particular he spoke of was one of his favorite verses in the bible. The verse is Hebrews 11:8 and is says "By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going." He said he particularly liked this verse because it demonstrated what God is possible of doing for us when we have faith. He said it broke his heart when he saw believers sitting doing nothing and praying "Lord what do you want me do" when all the while the Lord is saying " go do something". He later went on to explain that it just took us moving for the Lord to use us, that its in the act of moving that the Lord is capable of pointing us in the right direction.
Make it happen people. Go live the life you have dreamed about. You never know when your going to do die. Live each moment to the fullest, for real. This isn't some cheesy cliche country song or some feel good lifetime movie, this is you life. Get yourself out of your funk and start really living!
If you need some inspiration watch these two movie... "The Human Experience" and "Happy"
Both were vey good and give you a great perspective on life.