Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Socially acceptable

Now the last thing I want to be be is a hypocrite. However lately this seems to be the case. I will not try and beat around the bush here when I say that ever since I got to Fairbanks things have gotten a bit out of hand. I have definitely not been living the example of the the man I would like to be. While pondering this dilemma this morning I was reminded of a song by an old band named DC Talk. My parents wouldn't let me listen to secular music when I was a kid so I rocked out to the Christian contemporary variety. At the time I thought they were being ridiculous and unfair but hindsight I realize they were doing it to protect me from the crap that is on the radio. Anyways,  the song is called "what if I stumble" and the lyric that I was reminded of is,
"The greatest single cause of atheism in the world today
Is Christians who acknowledge Jesus with their lips
Then walk out the door and deny him by their lifestyle.
That is what an unbelieving world simply finds unbelievable."

I fully feel like this is what I am doing and it makes me sad. Then if that wasn't enough as I was reading the Word this morning I came across a passage in Psalms 116 vs 18 that said "I will fulfill my vows to the lord in the presence of all his people" Even though it hurts to hear about our shortcomings in life sometimes thats exactly what we need. 

Back to the beginning and the reason I labeled this post "socially acceptable" is because of another song of good old DC Talk that I heard while searching for the first . The song talks about how we as society are allowing so many thing to pass as acceptable now a days compared to the old days where we stood up for injustice and moral values. I had a friend tell me the other night that I was old fashoned because I held the door open for her amongst some other things she noticed. What has happened to society as a whole? Where did chivalry go?    

So if your reading this I ask you for a favor. Please pray for me that I will pull out of this Fairbanks funk that I am in. 

And now for some fixie picks...

Old fashioned...

If it aint broken, don't fix it

Friday, June 15, 2012

The outlaw living in the woods

My home in the woods, and yes that is a 45lc on my hip. AMERICA!
Well I have been here for a couple of months now and settled into a pretty basic routine. Work, yurt, work, yurt. I would like to say that I am going on all theses epic adventures but I have not been. Gas is about 4.30 a gallon for the cheep stuff so driving anywhere is quite expensive. So far its been a slow fire season and the income isn't coming in as rapidly as previous seasons. O well, life isn't about money.
Local adventures are not out of the question but the woods are so infested with mosquitos and super marshy, so the fun and motivation gets sucked out of hiking pretty quick. So in my non active boredom I decided to buy a motorcycle. Its an old 1981 Susuki GS650E. I rode the bike for about a week then it started craping out on me then wouldn't idle at all. So now I have a big hunk o metal in my front yard that I tinker on from time to time. I didn't want it to but my yurt is turing into a typical Alaskan homestead complete with non running motor vehicles in the front yard.
  As you see in the pictures I did get to fly to this remote town in the middle of Wrangel St Elias NP to burn some piles at some remote historic cabins. This was by far the most breathtaking country I have ever seen. The glaciers were indescribably beautiful. A small glimpse of Heaven. I also did a trip up to the town of Eagle NE of Fairbanks to float the Yukon river. I didn't take any pictures of that trip though due to the overwhelming amount of mosquitos. I have never experienced them like this. The country was not nearly as dramatic as Wrangel but had a beauty in its own way. We saw two black bear and a bunch of moose. One was in the middle of the river swimming to the other side. Crazy. That river is at least a mile wide and flows pretty fast. He mad it though. Well thats about all i have for now. Be sure and check out the new pics on Photobucket.
  Seth Bently if your reading this, my next post will consist of something pertaining to fixies.

  Choss free, Jah love